District 23 Women Taking Climate Action Award 2024
The District 23Women Taking Climate Action award recognises women whose climate actions significantly contributes towards mitigating the negative aspects of climate change and their climate action engages with women.

Applications are open to residents of Zonta International District 23 – residents of W.A., S.A., Vic., Tas., and N.T.
For 2024, applications will open
1 September and close 21 October.
Contact Suzanne Lees
District 23 Education Coordinator

Young Women in Public Affairs Awards – 2024 Awards now open!
The Young Women in Public Affairs awards program recognises young women aged 16-19 (i.e. pre-university) who demonstrate a commitment to leadership in public policy, government and volunteer organisations. Applications are made by mid March to the local Zonta Club with winners’ applications being forwarded for consideration of a District award of US$1,000 and 10 international awards of US$4,000 each.
Our club’s award is sponsored by

Jane M Klausman Women in Business Scholarships
Download the application form here
2024 applications now open!
The Jane M Klausman Women in Business Scholarships help women pursue undergraduate and Master’s degrees in business management. Applications are usually made in May through local Zonta Clubs. Individual or groups of clubs may provide awards and in addition a US$1,000 award is provided at the district level and a further 12 international scholarships valued at $7,000 each are provided at the international level.
For more information and application forms, please click HERE

Amelia Earhart was a Zontian and this remarkable woman is honoured through the Amelia Earhart Fellowships for women pursuing PhD/doctoral degrees in aerospace-related sciences and engineering. Applications are made directly to Zonta International and close in November each year. The Fellowships, worth US$10,000 each are awarded to 35 Fellows around the globe each year.
Frances Quinn Arts Encouragement Award
The Frances Quinn Art Encouragement Award provide a performance opportunity and monetary prize to a student of classical music. Traditionally, this scholarship has been awarded to the most promising first year female student at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music.